Why do you use #IOTA Firefly. You can just code your own wallet….

24 Aug 2023, 04:58
Why do you use #IOTA Firefly? You can just code your own wallet… Enterprises comes to @build5tech because we provide them with open source tools to mint millions of NFT easily, manage them, create tons of digital twins, tokenise anything, manage decentralise voting, etc… We provide them with tons of other functions that works seamlessly together but they still have full control like if they have build it themself. OTR gives them unified channel that’s easy to use, adopt and more future proof. Most businesses are not interested to build their own team of experts in #IOTA. They want to use third party that is well maintained, backed, open sourced, have a good ecosystem, it’s well established and can SUPPORT them -> welcome to BUILD.5!!!